Аsphaltene, paraffine, wax deposits

Аsphaltene, paraffine, wax deposits are found practically in all oil production regions. Chemical composition of deposits varies depending on properties of produced oil, as well as on thermodynamic and hydrodynamic conditions of the reservoir, their geological and physical features, methods of field operation. Wax deposits form mainly in tubing, exhaust lines and surface facilities of oil fields.


Formation of paraffin deposits in oilfield equipment occurs due to crystallization and precipitation of high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons (paraffin, resins, asphaltenes) due to decrease of temperature regime of oil flow. The composition of deposits depends both on the oil grade and on the thermodynamic conditions due to which they arise. The composition of deposits can vary even within a single well, all depending on the conditions under which crystallization occurs. The

deposits often contain water and various mechanical impurities. The intensity of formation of paraffin deposits depends to a large extent on the water flooding of the extracted products.


As a result of asphaltene deposits efficiency and productivity of wells decreases, equipment deteriorates faster, energy costs increase manifold. In this regard, decrease of the asphaltene deposits is an urgent task for the oil industry.


To this end, a number of measures are taken to remove existing deposits and prevent the appearance of new ones.


To reduce the ARPD deposits, KazGeoTech offers the use of a CAT-MPPU-660 multifunctional pumping unit equipped with a fluid heating unit (Hot-Oiler), which has

  • Three-row boiler coil system, allowing efficient heating and rapid pumping of hot fluids into the well
  • Pressure sensors with automatic liquid stop in case of emergency
  • Computerized control system that allows you to monitor and record the entire processing
  • High-pressure pump up to 1000 bar for well treatment under pressure